298 I The Difference Between Self Esteem and Self Worth and Other Wisdom From Valari Jackson

Today on Mastering Midlife:

●      What she has to offer her customers and audience.

●      Why it's important to know what you're pretending not to know.

●      Defining the difference between self-esteem and self-value.

●      My self-reflection regarding what society told me as a child.

●      What the last four years of Valari's life looked like.

●      How a bracelet helped change her mindset to what it is today.

●      Helping clients switch from beating themselves up to knowing their value.

●      Viewing setbacks as opportunities to correct your path.

Valari joins me today to share how she found her passion for helping others get the best version of themselves. She discusses what her career was like before she became a life coach and the moment that made her pursue this type of career. Valari also explains the difference between self-esteem and self-worth and why setbacks and procrastination are part of the growth process.

“Procrastination is merely the pursuit of perfection. Once we let go of that, we can move forward.” - Valari Jackson

Valari Jackson is a speaker, life coach, business strategy advisor, and the founder of Fierce Focus Strategies, a company that provides professional coaching to business owners as well as individuals who are looking to take control of their life and move forward from where they are. Valari  is also a Myers-Briggs Certified Practitioner, and she works with large organizations in improving communication, collaboration, and understanding. She says she works best during one-on-one coaching sessions as she digs deep into her client’s persona and provides individualized ways to help them.

Valari Jackson’s Words of Wisdom:

●      People show up in your life to support and confirm that you're on the right track.

●      Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Just move, and life will take care of the rest.

Resources Mentioned:

●      Book: Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott

Connect with Valari Jackson:

●      Fierce Focus Strategies

●      LinkedIn

●      Phone: (202) 920-7299

Mastering Midlife...Together!

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