178 | We Gotta Learn to Embrace Uncertainty To Thrive


If we want to make it through the next few months with our sanity, we are going to have to get used to know knowing what the %$# us going to happen.  The politicians don’t know, the news doesn’t know, and social media sure as sh_t doesn’t know. 

We must cultivate a strong inner game and clear values to know we are safe when the world spins out of control.


"Actually, things have always been uncertain, it’s just that things have happened predictably enough for long enough, that we believe we know what should happen.” – Mark J. Silverman

Today on Mastering Midlife:

●      Ask anyone who’s been in an accident, one-minute things were fine, the next….

●      We hold way too tight to our bank account balance, our youth and beauty, our job titles.

●      This crisis is a lot like a midlife crisis.

●      We thought things were one way, now they are another, what now?

●      Our inner game is the only way to feel safe in uncertainty.

●      The AA Serenity Prayer is an incredible tool for this time

Limited Time! Get FREE Access to my Leadership Resilience Course

We are all struggling with the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual strain of the Coronavirus Outbreak of 2020. That’s why - for the months of April and May - I’m offering my Leadership Resilience Course for free!

Learn to let go of resentment, up-level your mindset, and communicate your thoughts more effectively.

Learn how to address difficult conversations, develop your inner compass, and right the ship’ of your intellectual and emotional self.

It’s a uniquely difficult time for many of us. Now is the perfect time for self-reflection and self-improvement, and to discover how to be your best self.

To learn more about the Leadership Resiliency Course, visit:


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